Semaine nationale de la généalogie (National Genealogy Week) event

As part of La semaine nationale de la généalogie (National Genealogy Week) taking place from November 18 to 25, we invite you to come and discover the “L’huis clos à Lhuissier” premises, headquarters of the Lussier Family Association. This open house will be held on Tuesday, November 21, from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. at 292 Ste-Anne street in Varennes.

Our ancestors will be in the spotlight. You’ll be able to discuss their history with a number of history and genealogy enthusiasts. You’ll discover some particularly interesting books and archival documents. A number of genealogists will be on hand to help you with your research, if you so wish. They will be able to introduce you to various databases that are particularly useful in genealogy.

To get an idea of how many people will be attending, we’d appreciate it if you could confirm your attendance, without any obligation on your part.

Hope to see you soon!

Association des familles Lussier (Lussier Family Association)

Tel. : 450 985-0702