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Jacques Lhuissier,
pioneer in
New France

Find out more about our ancestor

The association promotes the sharing of genealogical and historical information. It organizes activities and a large gathering to promote fraternity among its members.

Programme rassemblement des Familles Lussier

Click here to open the program in PDF format.

Click here to access the Registration Form

Ma mère de 104 ans (My 104-year-old mother)

By Yves Petit

Bibiane Lussier… ” My mother was born in the Racine countryside on
March 15, 1918, 14th in a family of 16 children. Racine is a small village, close to Valcourt in the Eastern Townships… “



Le Parisien: Volume 1 Issue 2

Le Parisien, Spring 2024, launch on April 27 at the Annual General Meeting.

Join us on Saturday, April 27 for the Lussier Family Gathering at Le Chalet de l’érable sugar shack in Saint-Paul-d’Abbotsford. On the menu: conference, book launch and lots of sweets…
Reserve your place


Le Parisien

Newsletter of the Lussier Family Association

Le Parisien is a biannual magazine published in spring and autumn. The digital version is distributed to association members.

Large gathering of Lussier families

At Varennes on August 10 and 11, 2024

Mr. Marcel Lussier will present this grandiose project at the general meeting to be held on April 27 at the “Le chalet de l’érable” sugar bush.

Proud of our heritage


Saint Anne's Basilica

Ancestral barn

Lussier Manor

St. lawrence river

The calvary of Varennes

Saint-Joachim Procession Chapel

Sanctuary of Sainte Marguerite-D'Youville