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Jacques Lhuissier,
pioneer in
New France

Find out more about our ancestor

The Association promotes the sharing of genealogical and historical information.
It organizes activities to promote fellowship among its members.

5 to 7 Thursday, September 9, 2024

launch of the Lussier book
Alexandre Belliard
in performance



Espace des bâtisseurs

2022, Place du 350e
Varennes, Quebec  J3X 0K9

Places are limited.
Confirm your attendance at or 450 985-0702

Gathering of Lussier families in Varennes

August 10 and 11, 2024

Photo credit: Simon Lanciault

Before the gastronomic dinner and variety show on August 10, 2024

August 11 after the wedding in the dome

The dove flight after the wedding, on August 11, 2024

We have several products with the Lussier Family Association insignia

These products are available from the Association des familles Lussier office, 292, rue Sainte-Anne, Varennes, Québec. Please make an appointment: 450 985-0702. Products are also on sale at our events.

Le Parisien

Newsletter of the Lussier Family Association

Le Parisien is a biannual magazine published in spring and autumn. The digital version is distributed to association members.

Ma mère de 104 ans (My 104-year-old mother)

By Yves Petit

Bibiane Lussier… ” My mother was born in rural Racine on
March 15, 1918, the 14th of 16 children. Racine is a small village, close to Valcourt in the Eastern Townships… “


Extract from “Le Parisien” biannual magazine

Proud of our heritage


Saint Anne's Basilica

Ancestral barn

Lussier Manor

St. lawrence river

The calvary of Varennes

Saint-Joachim Procession Chapel

Sanctuary of Sainte Marguerite-D'Youville